OK now i am back to talking about the NFL. Here are my picks for this week...
I pick the Ravens over Tampa Bay...The Broncos over st louis...
The Pats over buffalo...The eagles over houston...
The Saints over the browns...the seahawks over the lions...
titans over jets...bengals over chiefs...
bears over packers...cardinals over 49s...
cowboys over jaguars...colts over giants...
redskins over vikings...chargers over raiders...
And of course The Carolina Panthers over the falcons!
i think those are some pretty good picks. well i am totally gonna stop talking about sports and go on to a different subject. on friday i got to ride the bus home and there is a house down the road from me where foreign exchange students live and there was some guy on my bus from spain and he couldnt speak english that well so since i take spanish i tried to communicate with him. i used a few phrases that i knew to talk to him. like i asked him what his name was, i asked him how he was, and yeah thats about it.i could have asked him what his birthday was or what the date was or i could have told him that the donkey knows more than him...or i could have said something that my brother taught me when he took spanish years ago in high shcool...i dont remember that much spanish from him but i know how to say pants and please. well this blog is getting rather lengthy and its getting late so i am gonna leave yall with a couple of comics. i hope yall have a nice sunday tomorrow.

That's one of my favorite F Minus cartoons.
Also, you forgot to mention that Midland Freshman High School beat Abilene Coopers Freshman football team.
I never did like Laredo United. They are SO RICH, it is insane. Plus, it is like playing t.u. They have nothing original at United. They wear the same colors, play the same songs, use the same mascot...
Haha! You think you are so good! Your defense is soooo weak, we hung 17 passing yards on yall! We are ragin' good! BCS time, baby! OOWW that's good!
What a sad weekend for the Longhorns... First, United loses, then UT...
Yeah! Clinton finally read the stats!
El burro sabe mas que tu! El gato sabe mas que tu tambien!
Hey! Leave me out of this! Sure, I'm smart, but I don't like to brag about it!
If word gets out, the other burros will make fun of me!
Bark bark bark!
[silencio gato!]
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