My blog is short today.We beat gp 16-0.listen to is funny go to martellus and listen to what he says
Martellus.he makes me laugh.i also saw this on The tonite show with jay leno so i found it so i could put it on here.

check out the pic in the corner...if im not mistaken that would be South America!!

ok have a good day its time for me to sleep!
Does Pig's tail support him like a chair?
Ruff ruff!
[I want a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity!]
You dumb dog...
Hey! Do you parent's know you blog? This is some serious stuff!
What are the police here for?
Hey! Does that dog have her license on?
ruf ruf!
[help me!]
Serves you right, you dumb dog.
Its not mine! ummm...its my friends...yeah,yeah thats it...its my friends!
Hey! Get the hippie too! I hear he use to be a blogger too!
My my, the Wilson clan is not a good family to be near!
I like that Clinton is having fun with action words in the Name field...
My favorite... "Penny barkily said..."
Hey, is this thing even on?
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