well i am not going to comment on the panthers but i will talk about the aggies and my day in san antonio yesterday.so read and enjoy. we left here at about 11 o clock to go to san antonio for the A&M and army game. we got to SA at about one-ish so we drove around for a while then we went to the mall.then we went to the parade and then the game. the game was great...and by the way my throat still hurts a little. the aggies offense was amazing but there was more to be expected with the defense. well none the less the aggies shut army down on their final drive at the 2 yards line to win the game. J-lane had a great game with 3Td's.if yall wanna check out some clips her ya go
agclips. well this blog will be short cause i am very tired cause we got home at like 3 last night so i didnt get much sleep so goodnight and have a good tomorrow.sorry todays blog was boring...i hope the comics arent.

Yeah! Everyone wants a lion!
I am opening
Bark bark bark!
Penny! You saved the day!
[Is it time for Lassie?]
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