Friday is my second favorite day of the week, behind saturday. When i get home from school we are gonna go to fermins. then we are gonna watch the Wildcats demolish the little brahmas of kingsville. hmm i just realized that the Wildcats hand sign is the same as the wrecking crew's WC sign. i knew what both of them looked like i just never noticed they were the same.

on saturday the Ags are gonna beat the huskers...umm to put it simply this is how its gonna be...
Ags:eleventy billion
well my blog is finished for today. i actually already wrote this blog once but the computer froze so i had to rewrite it and i am not very happy about that. like i said i will be trying to post more than i have been so i hope yall have a good friday tomorrow!!
now it is time for a comic. i found this one a earlier it is hillarious.

We, the union representing Clinton Woods, would like to state that he refuses to be used just once a month. If you want his comments, post more often than once a month. So for now, this comment of warning is all you get. Shape up or ship out!
bark bark bark! [I hate unions. I am a republican]
Hey, you are a dog, who cares what you think?
Hey! You cross the pickett line! You're fired!
Dang, I just lost my job... I will have to go independent now...
Nick lied, Bloggers died!
Pull to the right for sirens and lights!
We need to get some new protest slogans...
No Commenter Left a Dime!
Hey blogger! We still haven't had our demands met! We even hired a new comment poster since we fired the old one. We expect you to provide work for our new poster, Penny.
bark bark bark! [Even a republican dog like me can get bought to hold a union job. Pro Labor!]
I still comment as well, I am just independent now. Which is good, no more pesky union rules. However, I don't get those union breaks anymore either...
Union Break!
I'm still working...
bark bark bark! [I'm upstairs napping. Ring the bell if you need me.]
Hehehe...that dog is so funny
psst! Nick! You can pay us "under the table" and we will call the strike off. Just don't tell anyone!
I may have my first big break!
Union Bosses attempt to take bribes! Union not concerned about comment posters!
What is this nonsense? Jake, take care of business!
Sure thing boss!
Yeah, yeah. I'm hip. I'm hip!
Shut up Bugsy
What's going on here? I'm a comment poster! I have my first amendment rights! Owwwww!
I will not be stopped!
Union Bosses Hire Thugs to Surpress Freedom!
Penny! You are on the inside! You are our only hope! Bring them down!
bark bark! [I like them. They scratch my belly.]
Freedom Sold for a Belly Scratch!
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