yeah i spent more than four of my hours, that i was awake, in the dark today. the electricity went out at school so for some reason they told us to dit in the hall until the lights came on. it took more than 2 hours for them to come on so lets just say i got a pretty good nap in the never ending darkness of the halls of CMS. then we went to lunch and one of my friends has a broken collarbone, and no he did not break it the way adrian peterson did, needed to take his meds so i went with him to the nurses office and there were like 5 policeman and a few paramedics in there. they would not tell us what happened. but there were a bunch of cop cars outside with an ambulance. thats pretty much all that happened at school.
when i got home the electricity was off so i sat on the couch and listened to relient k on my ipod. that got boring after about 30 min. so i went outside and played football and i have never noticed how many stickers there are outside in the grass. then i went to Whataburger and then to church. Mark Crisp preached to us and if you have ever heard the guy im sure oyu know he is amazing at what he does. he gets so into the bible he makes the lesson great. he is very loud, funny, and sometimes scary. last week he even stood up on a chair! if you know the guy you know that he isnt small. he explained how much he ways with saying..."in high school i weighed 133 lbs. and guess how much i way now...more than 133 lbs." i love listening to this guy and watchig him preach. i think he is the best at what he does. well when i got home i looked on the internet and saw that ku got beat in bball so i really like that. and now i am typing this. i had a pretty good day today. it was a nice, calm day.
i am on a 3 game winning streak in Fantasy Football, winning my last game by scoring 151 points. LT did amazing once again, colston broke a saints recieving record, ocho cinco played as a on man team after not doing anything the rest of the weeks that i have him. this week i will definatley win my FF game.
i want this paragraph to go directly to clinton. i want to apologize for the pain i have put you through. i am very sorry if any of my actions(or lack of) caused you any harm. i hope you forgive me and i will try to not let this happen again.
the panthers will beat the rams this weekend in a convincing fashion. the ags will win any Bball game they have and calallen will beat mercedes and go to the second round of the playoffs.
on closing i would like to apologize to clinton one last time. i am dreadfully sorry and i will try not to let it happen again. and my final note will be for getting ready for the game after thanksgiving...
BTHO t.u.!!!!!!!!!!